ePortfolio Articles

ePortfolio Resources
Catalyst for Learning - Eportfolio Resources and Research "Created by 24 campuses in the Connect to Learning project, this site demonstrates and de...
Thu, 2 Feb, 2023 at 8:55 AM
Eportfolios Explained Annotated Bibliography (pdf)
This annotated bibliography was prepared in conjunction with KPU’s ePortfolios Explained Webinar. This is a list of resources used to develop the webinar, a...
Sun, 27 Oct, 2019 at 11:46 AM
(Resource) Unifying Experiences: Learner and Instructor Approaches and Reactions to ePortfolio Usage in Higher Education
This paper explores the alignment of student and instructor experiences when employing ePortfolio activities in a Canadian higher education context. htt...
Wed, 12 Aug, 2020 at 5:08 PM