For comprehensive detail on Padlet's privacy settings, please see the following article
There are a number of different privacy settings available for use with Padlet. The article linked below will provide detailed information as to what each setting is able to offer you. KPU is a Backpack member of Padlet which includes Neon and Pro member settings, as well as the option to share Padlets organization-wide only. For most privacy options,
Please be mindful that the data entered on Padlet is not stored in Canada. We recommend carefully reviewing the following privacy guidelines for Padlet usage created by KPU in order to maintain FIPPA compliance.
For a summary of our privacy options to begin sharing your Padlet, please view the following video:
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.