
You can use the Kaltura Closed Caption Editor for editing your video captions to enchance the accuracy and accessibility of it by manually editing the caption file.

Step By Step Instructions

Access the captions editor

1: Go to media.kpu.ca and under profile click on Login.

2: Once you are logged in, go to My media. 

3. Inside the my media select the media you want to edit. The media page will start appearing :

Option 1:

  • Click the ACTIONS pull-down menu and select Caption .

  • Under Existing Requests, click the pencil icon next to the completed caption order that you would like to edit. 

Option 2 :

  • Select Edit from the ACTIONS pull-down menu.

  • Click on the Captions tab.

  • Click Edit Captions.

  • The Closed Captions Editor page displays.


To search a term type it in the search box and press 'enter' on your keyboard. In our example below, we are searching for the word "edit mode". 

The results are highlighted in each caption line.

Search and replace text

  1. Click on Replace. 
  2. Enter the search term in the "Find match" field, then enter the replacement term in the "Replace with" field.
  3. Click Replace.
    The search term is replaced immediately.

Revert and Save

If you want to disregard all the changes made, the option to Revert will take you back to the last saved changes and Save saves the modified caption file.

Here are few Keyboard shortcuts available in My media

  1. Player seek 5 seconds backwards = ⇦ [ left arrow key ]
  2. Player seek to 0 = Shift + ⇦
  3. Player pause-play toggle = space 
  4. Player seek 5 seconds forward = ⇨ [ right arrow key ]