This article contains Frequently Asked Questions. For questions and comments, please reach out to
1. Where do I go to access my Syllabus?
Your syllabus can be accessed directly from your course in Moodle or from the simple syllabus website.
2. Why use Simple Syllabus instead of Word?
Once a syllabus is published in Simple Syllabus, it serves as a template for creating future syllabi and for duplication if you are teaching multiple sections of the same course. The auto-populated fields reduce the manual work instructors typically do when editing Word versions of their syllabi and ensure accuracy for these components where the information is available elsewhere in the University.
3. Is it possible to reuse my syllabus content across different semesters or courses?
Yes, we have developed a guide to help importing content from another syllabus in Simple Syllabus reducing the need to copy and paste.
4. Can the Course Schedule be input to the syllabus later?
No, the schedule for the course is part of the syllabus template and can be added to or revised until the lockdown date. Additional information that may need to be shared after this date can be posted on Moodle.
5. Who can see my syllabus?
The template is set to be viewed only by students enrolled in the course, the system administrators in Teaching and Leaning Commons and the approval process in your dean's office. You can choose to make it available more widely at the top of the template.
6. Which fields are auto populated?
The course information and instructor details from the University schedule, the course description from the University calendar, the learning outcomes from Course Outline. Some of the other fields have templated language that we encourage you to use and provide additional details as needed.
7. Which fields are not editable?
Course Information, Course Description, Learning Outcomes, Accessibility Statement, Resources for Student Success, University Policies, KPU Value Statement
8. What should I do if my course does not require materials?
If no course materials are required, simply type "No Course Materials" in the Course Materials section. This section is linked to the students' Material list which helps them see all the materials they need for their courses in one place. Adding this ensures students know whether any materials are required for the course.
9. Why am I unable to submit my syllabus even after filling in all the required fields?
All sections, except Course Materials and Instructor Information, automatically save changes as you edit. These two sections require clicking the "Save" button after editing, allowing instructors to review and confirm changes before finalizing the syllabus.
10. How can I return to Edit Mode from Preview Mode?
When you click Preview, the syllabus opens in a new tab. To continue editing, return to the original tab where you were working—this will be to the left of the preview tab.
11. What is the deadline to post my syllabus?
The syllabus must be in place for the first day of classes, but we encourage you to complete it as early as possible to allow students to make informed decisions to adjust their schedule if needed prior to first day of classes. After this date they suffer a financial consequence for doing so.
12. Is there a cut-off date to make additional revisions?
The system will be locked down on the add/drop date of each semester. This ensures expectations have been communicated to students by this date. We recognize that sometimes changes are needed throughout the semester to address scheduling changes, resources etc. and we recommend these be posted in your Moodle course site under announcements.
13. Is there an easy method to send the syllabi to students through the dashboard?
Once a syllabus is submitted by instructors and officially complete, students can view the syllabi in either Moodle or in Simple directly. To log into their Simple Syllabus site, they can sign in using SSO. Once in the site, student's will see their dashboard view which will contain all the syllabi they are enrolled in, and they'll even see their past syllabi as well.
14. Can Simple Syllabus be sent out as PDFs?
Yes, syllabi can be exported and shared as PDFs. We have created a guide with step-by-step instructions on how to export your syllabus as a PDF.
15. If I add an instructor to my syllabi, can they edit it?
No, adding an instructor to your syllabi in Simple Syllabus grants them view-only access. They will be able to see the syllabus content but will not have the ability to make any edits or modifications. Only the assigned syllabus owner or designated editors can make changes.
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.