This article provides Web Content Accessibility Minimum Level Guidelines (WCAG) Level-A that outlines standard for all users creating new content in KPU platforms. 

These guidelines cover four aspects of accessibility that are Perceivable, Operable, Understandable and Robust providing alternative text for images, ensuring keyboard navigation, avoiding content that could cause seizures, and making content readable. 


Text Alternatives (1.1): 

1.1.1: Non-text Content: Provide text alternatives for non-text content such as images, graphs, and charts. 

1.1.2: Time-based Media: Provide an alternative for time-based media, such as audio-only descriptions or transcripts. 

Media (1.2): 

1.2.1: Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded): Provide alternative media tracks or text transcripts for audio-only and video-only content. 

1.2.2: Captions (Prerecorded): Ensure that prerecorded audio content has synchronized captions for users who are deaf or hard of hearing. 

1.2.3: Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded): Provide additional audio descriptions of visual information or an alternative version of the media with descriptions for users who are blind or visually impaired. 

Adaptable Content (1.3): 

1.3.1: Info and Relationships: Use semantic HTML markup to convey information and relationships within the content. 

1.3.2: Meaningful Sequence: Ensure that the sequence of content is meaningful when presented in different orders, such as when reflowed for small screens. 

Distinguishable Content (1.4): 

1.4.1: Use of Color: Ensure that color is not the only means of conveying information or indicating action. 

1.4.2: Audio Control: Provide controls for users to pause, stop, or adjust the volume of any audio that plays automatically on the website. 


Keyboard Accessible (2.1): 

2.1.1: Keyboard: Ensure that all functionality of the content is operable through a keyboard interface without requiring specific timings. 

2.1.2: No Keyboard Trap: Ensure that keyboard focus is never trapped within any component on the page and that it can always be moved to and from the component using standard keyboard commands. 

Enough Time (2.2): 

2.2.1: Timing Adjustable: Provide users with controls to pause, stop, or extend any time limits on content or tasks. 

2.2.2: Pause, Stop, Hide: Provide controls to pause, stop, or hide any moving, blinking, or scrolling content that lasts for more than five seconds. 

Seizures and Physical Reactions (2.3): 

2.3.1: Three Flashes or Below Threshold: Ensure that web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one-second period. 

2.3.2: Three Flashes: Ensure that web pages do not contain anything that flashes more than three times in any one-second period. 

Navigable Content (2.4): 

2.4.1: Bypass Blocks: Provide a mechanism to bypass blocks of content that are repeated on multiple web pages. 

2.4.2: Page Titled: Ensure that each web page has a descriptive title that describes the topic or purpose of the page. 

Readable Content (2.5): 

2.5.1: Pointer Gestures: Ensure that any functionality that can be operated using a pointer is also available using a single pointer without requiring a complex gesture. 

2.5.2: Pointer Cancellation: Ensure that any pointer-operated functionality can be paused or stopped by the user without causing unintentional activation of another function. 


Web Pages (3.1): 

3.1.1: Language of Page: Identify the default human language of each web page and any changes in language that occur within the content. 

3.1.2: Language of Parts: Identify the language of each passage or phrase in the content that is in a different language from the surrounding text. 

Input Assistance (3.2): 

3.2.1: On Focus: Ensure that when a user inputs text into a form field, the input’s purpose is explicitly stated programmatically. 

3.2.2: Labels or Instructions: Ensure that form fields have associated labels or instructions that describe the required input or explain the purpose of the field. 


Compatible Technologies (4.1): 

4.1.1: Parsing: Ensure that web pages are well-formed and conform to the appropriate markup language specifications. 

4.1.2: Name, Role, Value: Ensure that all user interface components have accessible names, roles, and values that can be programmatically determined. 

For further details and understanding of guidelines for different levels, refer to the WCAG 2.1 Guidelines provided in the following links: