In an ongoing effort to provide support for our learners, The Office of the Provost and the Office of Equity and Inclusive Communities are working together with the Office of Teaching and Learning towards fulfilling KPUs commitment to accessibility and the KPU Accessibility plan that was launched in September 2023.  

The practice of providing machined captioning and transcripts supports students with auditory, visual limitations and those developing language skills. 

Beginning August 6th 2024, the defaults will change to ensure all freshly uploaded videos will be machined captioned and transcribed.

Here are a list of Frequently Asked Questions after the change occurs:

Will I be able to review and edit these captions?

Yes, you can. Instructions to edit caption files here

Are videos uploaded prior to August 6th 2024 captioned?

No, they are not. But you can still manually request for captions

If you have many videos (20+) which would like to be captioned, please submit a request to the Service Portal and our support team will be able to assist. 

Can machined captions be turned off?

Yes, machined captioning can be turned off by the owner of the media. Instructions here

The viewer could also choose not to display captioning in the player. Instructions here.

If students were doing recordings, could captions be turned off?

Captions are enabled by default for all. If students would like to turn off captioning, instructions to to turn off captions is the same as above.

Will transcription be turned on as well?

Yes, transcription is turned on with captions.

Are machined captions available in more than one language?

Currently, machined captions is for English only. If you have a need for additional languages to be captioned, please let us know via the Service Portal

How accurate is machined captioning?

Machined caption is 70-90% accurate. It is a good idea to review and edit your captions. Machine captions are usually processed in 30 minutes once your video is successfully uploaded. 

How do I know if a video has been captioned?

Once a video has been captioned, you will see the "cc" icon on the video player.image showing video as captioned

For Technology enhanced e-classrooms recordings, will Kaltura captions be applied and would it be live?

Kaltura does not currently support live captions. Machined captioning is applied after videos are uploaded to Kaltura.