This article will show you how to set weights in your course on Click here to learn how to set activity weights for all other Moodle sites.

You can configure your gradebook and weights for different grade items that indicate how much they are worth compared to other modules. Weight values are and can be different from max grades.

On Moodle, Maximum Grades refer to the marks that the module is graded out of. The Weight of a module refers to how much that activity is worth towards a student's overall grade. Your gradebook weights must add up to a total of 100% (100% of a whole course). If your weights do not add up, Moodle will automatically make adjustments based off maximum grades that may not align with your intentions.

1. Click on the Gear Icon near the top left corner of your screen

2. Under Course Settings, click Gradebook Setup

3. Check off all of the boxes to the left of the weights.

4. Adjust all weights. Make sure that all of the weights are adjusted before continuing.

(Note: If you do not adjust all weights at the same time before saving your changes, Moodle may automatically adjust the other activities to accommodate a 100% total).

5. Confirm gradebook weights total 100%.

(Note: If your gradebook has categories, make sure the categories also equal 100%. Within each category, the activities must equal 100% as well).

6. Save Changes.

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This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.