As a result of the recent migration (in Summer 2022) of Kaltura videos to the cloud, your previously embedded or linked videos will display an "Access Denied" error message. You will be able to resolve this by updating the embed link or web link that may be in Moodle, WordPress, PebblePad, etc. with the instructions below. 

How to update your broken link:

  1. Login to 

  2. Locate the video. Click on your name (located at the top-right corner) and click My Media/My Playlists/My Channels (if you are the owner of the video). If it's uploaded by someone else, you can try searching for the title of the video in the search bar.


  3. Update the link using either Method 1 (link) or 2 (embed).

        Method #1: Sharing your Kaltura video with a link

        Method #2: Embedding Kaltura videos (from

Creative Commons License

This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.