This article will guide you on how to add a video/audio quiz using Cloud Poodll in Moodle.
- Click Turn editing on
- Click Add an activity of resource”
- Select Quiz
- Change the settings as a normal quiz then click Save and display
- Click the gear icon then choose Edit quiz
- Click Add button then choose a new question
- Select Poodll Recording from the list and click Add
- Enter the question name, text and set the default mark
- Choose the response format (audio/video) then click Save changes
Please enable the Safe Save feature to ensure students' response is uploaded completely. The most common cause of missing students' submissions is that the audio/video was not uploaded completely. It can happen if the student forgets to press the upload button or leaves the page before the recording has finished uploading. Using the 'Safe Save' feature disables the quiz "next" button until the audio/video has been uploaded. (Note: it should only be used when there is one recording question on the page. Please follow the below steps.)
To display one question per page, click quiz -> edit settings -> change the new page as Every question.
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.