Instructors can restrict any student's access to the Moodle activity based on the restrictions they add to the activity. Only students who meet the restrictions conditions will be able to access the Moodle activity once the restriction is added to it.
Where to add restrictions to the Moodle activity:
1. Select the activity to which you want to add restrictions and then click the Edit Settings button.
2. Scroll down and expand the option Restrict access. Click on the Add restriction button.
3. Select the desired condition to restrict access to the activity and populate the information accordingly. All of these conditions will have two initial conditions that state that students MUST match the following or MUST NOT match the following. For MUST conditions, we will explain below.
4. At the end click on Save and Display button
How to add restrictions to the Moodle activity:
Restrict access with Activity Completion: This condition necessitates that students engage in another activity. The instructor can specify which activity must be attempted before opening this activity. The drop down menu will display all of the activities available in your course, and you can choose one of them. The instructor can also specify conditions for this activity, such as "Activity must be marked complete."
For example, if the instructor wants students to complete Lesson 1 before taking the Midterm quiz, the instructor will select "Lesson 1" from the drop down menu and choose "must be completed" from the second drop down menu. Only students who have finished Lesson 1 will be able to access this activity. NOTE: This option will only appear if you have enabled completion tracking in your course. Please refer to the article enable course completion
Restrict access with Date: This condition limits the attempt to this activity on the date specified by an instructor.
For example, the instructor may specify that any student wishing to participate in this activity must do so beginning November 4th. Students will no longer be able to access this activity after November 4th. By selecting "until" from the drop down menu instead of "from", the instructor can also specify that students can only attempt this activity until November 4th.
Restrict access with Grade: Instructors can add a condition requiring students to achieve a certain grade in a specific activity before attempting this activity, and they can also specify whether the grade must be >= or must me<
For example, if the instructor wishes that only students who received more than 80% on their quiz 1 attempt this activity, the instructor will select "Quiz 1" from the drop down in front of Grade and then must be >= 80%.
Restrict access with Group: Access can be restricted based on the group to which a student belongs.
For example, if the instructor wants only students from "Group A" to participate in this activity, the instructor will select "Group A" from the Group dropdown menu. NOTE: This option will only appear if you have created a group in your course. Please refer to the article Creating Group in Moodle
Restrict access with Grouping: Access can be restricted based on the grouping created by an instructor. A grouping may consist of one or more groups.
For example, if the instructor wants only students from the grouping "Assignment Grouping" to participate in this activity, the instructor will select "Assignment Grouping" from the Grouping dropdown menu. NOTE: This option will only appear if you have created grouping in your course. Please read the article Creating Grouping in Moodle
Restrict access with User profile: The instructor has the ability to add restrictions based on the User Profile.
For example, if the instructor wants a student with student ID 1234 only to attempt this activity, the instructor will select "ID Number" in the User profile field drop down and then enter the student's ID number in the "is equal to" drop down. Only the student with that ID number will be able to participate in this activity from now on.
Restriction Set: The instructor can add multiple restrictions on this activity by selecting this option.
Restricting Visibility: Visibility of the activity can be changed so that only the users who meet the requirements can see the activity.
if the eye seen in the image below has a line through it then users who match the restrictions can see the activity.
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.