The following instruction provides step-by-step solution on how to replace existing Kaltura media. Note that all videos embedded in other places will also automatically be updated including embedded videos, videos added as Kaltura Video Resource and in course media galleries. If you have captions in original video, they will need to be re-captioned, as it is likely that existing captions will not match your replacement video timing.
1. Go to My Media 
2. Click the video that you want to replace
3. Click 'Actions' and then click 'Edit'
4. Click 'Replace media' tab then click 'Choose a file to upload'
5. Select the file in your folder then click 'Open'
6. Once the upload is completed, click 'Approve Replacement'
7. You will see a message saying that 'Your media is being processed'. Depending on the size of the file, this process may take up to few minutes. Please check again after few minutes, and it will automatically be updated on Moodle site.
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.