Instructors can reopen the quiz for a student(s) to continue from the previous attempt for some extra time. It would be helpful in a situation where a student faced some technical difficulties and missed the time or couldn't submit the exam.

1. From the Quiz Activity Page, click Settings.

2. Change the Open quiz / Close quiz date and time limit (extra time you want to give).

3. Under Grade, set Attempts allowed to 2.

4. Under Question Behaviour, set click Show more...

5. Set Each attempt builds on the last to Yes.

If you would like to restrict access, Set up a password and share it with the required student. If you don't set it up, anyone in the course will be able to redo the exam.

6. Under Extra restrictions on attempts, enter a password.

7. Scroll to the bottom and Click Save and display.

Creative Commons License

This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.