2 Ways to Communicate with Your Students through Outlook

1.Copy and Paste Class Email List in the BCC field

  1. Login to OSS/Banner
    1. Go to https://one.kpu.ca/task/all/oss
    2. Login using your banner id and password
  2. Click on the Faculty Menu tab
  3. Click on Class List

Faculty Menu - Google Chrome

4. Select your course / section you want an email list for; click submit button.


5. Go to the bottom of the page and click on Display Email List

Faculty Class List - Google Chrome

6. Copy and Paste the list into a Word document and save it to your desktop for use as needed. (i.e. email list ENG 1100 A15.docx) (or you can select Download to Excel or Download as Text)

7. To send an email to everyone on your list, open Outlook, click on new mail, copy the list from your Word doc (or Excel Workbook) and paste it into the BCC field. Type your email and hit send.

2. Create a Distribution List/ Contact Group in Outlook

  1. Complete steps 1-6 in Copy and Paste in the BCC Field
  2. Open Outlook
  3. Click on the People icon

Inbox - gillian.sudlow@kpu.ca - Outlook

4. Click on New Contact Group

Contacts - gillian.sudlow@kpu.ca - Outlook

5. Name the Group after your course/section (i.e. ENGQ 1099 A10)

6. Click on Add Members and select From Outlook Contacts

Graphical user interface, application, Word, PowerPoint

Description automatically generated

7. Open the Word doc which contains the email list you copied from OSS/Banner; select all and paste into the Outlook popup window in the text box beside Members; click OK and the list will populate.

Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

8. Click Save & Close


Additional Resource

Microsoft Office Support video for Creating Contact Groups:   https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/create-a-contact-group-in-outlook-3f73d218-52d6-4f88-a733-9ff37073ee4c?ui=en-us&rs=en-us&ad=us#:~:text=1%20On%20the%20Navigation%20bar%2C%20choose%20People%20People,Add%20people%20from%20your%20address%20...%20See%20More