In order to better protect our student's privacy and enhance KPU's security, there are a number of changes we have made to KPU's version of Zoom than the Zoom you may have been accustomed to outside of KPU. The chart below provides a snapshot of the capabilities of each user role.

Features with an asterisk (*) can be controlled by the host.

FeatureHostCo-host / alternative
Participants (Faculty, 
Staff, Students)

Participating in the meeting

Start the meeting 
Mute/unmute themselves*✔*✔*
Start/stop their own video✔*
View participants list
Share screen✔*
Request or give remote control
Chat with participants (in-meeting chat)
Save in-meeting chat 
Create or edit polls  
Start polling 
Answer polls  
Assign someone to enter closed captions  
Enter closed captions✔*✔*
Use call-out to join audio by phone

End meeting  
Reactions and nonverbal feedback

Managing participants

Mute or unmute participants 
Stop participant's video 
Ask participant to start video 
Promote participant to host or co-host  
Change who attendees can chat with 
Remove attendees 
Put participants on hold 
Invite others to join
Mute controls for participants (ask to mute, mute all, mute on entry) 
Assign participants to breakout rooms  


Start cloud recording✔ *Only Faculty/
✔ *Only Faculty/
Start local recording
