
Planner app in Teams allows you to organize your tasks by adding one or more Planner tabs to a team channel. You can then work on your plan from within Teams, remove or delete your plan, add tasks, create buckets and get notified in Teams when a task is assigned to you in Planner.

Create a plan

  1. To create a Planner, click the + sign when you are in a channel.
  2. Select planner app from the list.
  3. Create a plan with appropriate name. click "Save".
  4. Once the planner has been created you will have the option to create buckets.


Create buckets to sort your tasks

After adding tasks, you can sort them into buckets to help break things up into phases, types of work, departments, or whatever makes the most sense for your plan. To create buckets follow the instructions below

  1. Click "Add new bucket" to add a bucket.
  2. Give bucket a name accordingly.
  3. Once the bucket has been created you can do the following adjustments:
    • Add tasks and assign them to single or multiple people.
    • Set progress status and start/due date.
    • Label the tasks with color labels.
    • Add description and checklist.
    • Add an attachment
    • 1.png


Chart feature of Planner allows you to see the overall status of your plan in one place.

Use charts to answer:
  • Which tasks are running late?
  • How are my buckets doing?
  • Which tasks are urgent or important?



Use Schedule view to organize your tasks on calendar. 

View and manage tasks

  • Select Schedule.
  • You can view by Month or Week.
  • Select Week.
  • Point to a date and select + to add a task.
  • Drag the side of the task to change the task's dates.

Manage unscheduled tasks

  • View tasks without start and due dates under Unscheduled tasks.
  • Select Group by and then an option like Progress, to sort your unscheduled tasks.
  • Drag an unscheduled task to the calendar to schedule it.