The video provides an overview of the Workshop Activity within Moodle. The tools acts as a peer review or self-assessment tool for your students.
Other useful resources:
How does the assessment weight setting work?
(Contributed by Landon Kleis, Ph.D.)
Assessment weight works in this way: suppose I assess student A’s submission as a 75%. Meanwhile, the submission is assigned to student B to peer-review, and that student rates it 100%. If you don’t touch any settings, student A will get a grade of 87.5 for their submission. In other words, leaving the setting at its default of 1 means each rating gets equal weight.
However, I had promised my students that my rating would make up 80% of their mark, and their peer’s rating would only make up 20%. By setting the assessment weight to 4, my rating is weighted as 4 times the weight of the peer rating. The student’s submission grade becomes a weighted average of 80% (weighted grade / sum of the weights, or ((75% * 4) + (100% * 1)) / 5 = 80%.
The other aspect to this that is very interesting is how students are graded for the rating they assign to their peers. In order to get full marks, their rating has to agree with my rating! This is what the “strict/lax” dropdown setting does – it adjusts how close the two ratings need to be in order to earn full marks. I really like this because it incentivizes students to grade truthfully rather than being overly generous or overly spiteful.
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.