Teaching in a Digital Age is written by Tony Bates and free online 


Teaching in higher education in 2015, and beyond, requires a new approach because of changes in the economy and changes in technology.

Faculty and instructors are continually facing questions such as how do I effectively teach an increasingly diverse student population, how do I engage and support my students as class sizes increase, how do I use multi-media and other resources to build a high quality course, and a host of other questions.

Drawing on his 40+ years of experience in higher education in Canada and around the world, Contact North | Contact Nord Research Associate Dr. Tony Bates has authored a comprehensive, easy-to-read guide that answers these questions and many, many more all in a single location.

Through 12 informative chapters, Teaching in a Digital Age: Guidelines for Teaching and Learning answers your questions and provides helpful guidance and suggestions on a host of topics including:

  • How do I decide whether my courses should be campus-based, blended or fully online?
  • What strategies work best when teaching in a technology-rich environment? What methods of teaching are most effective for blended and online classes?
  • How do I make choices among all the available media, whether text, audio, video, computer, or social media, in order to benefit my students and my subject?
  • How do I maintain quality of teaching, learning, and resources in a rapidly changing learning environment?
  • What are the real possibilities for teaching and learning using MOOCs, OERS, open textbooks?

While understanding and respecting the individual nature of teaching, Tony talks theory, options, best practices, point-by-point strategies – offering clear, practical, and actionable advice and guidance based on research and best practices.