Note: This article requires an existing public video that is already uploaded to YouTube.


There are two ways to share a YouTube video in Moodle.

    1. Embed the video using Kaltura - This will allow it to be viewed without having to leave the page. Bonus: This also removes any advertisements originally in the video.

    2. Share the link - This will require the user to navigate off of the current page to view the video on YouTube.

The steps for sharing a YouTube video with these two methods will be listed below.

How to Embed a YouTube Video on Moodle

This method embeds the video directly into Moodle and will allow it to be viewed without having to navigate off of the page it is embedded into. A YouTube video can be embedded into any Moodle text editor box, this includes those in forum discussion posts, page activities, book chapters, etc.

    1. Find the Media Button on the text editor (On the assignment or post where the video needs to be embedded).

    2. Click on Add New and then YouTube.

    3. Copy and paste the link to the YouTube video.

    4. Click the Preview button.

Note: Unlisted videos are also supported in addition to public videos, despite what any message that may appear says.

    5. Scroll down, click Save, and then click Back browse and embed.

    6. The YouTube video should now be added to your My Media library. Add the video by clicking the blue Select button. The next window will allow you to change the size of the video, metadata, and the video player design .

    7. Click Embed, then embed again in the next window to finish.

    8. You will now see some coloured text in the text editor, this is where the video will appear in relation to the text editor. You can write any text as normal before or after the embed link, and it will appear with the video.

How to Share a Link to a YouTube Video

This method creates a direct link to the external YouTube website. This means that anyone watching the video will have to navigate off of the Moodle page to view it.

    1. Copy the URL from the YouTube video.

  • Go to the YouTube video you want to share, and copy the URL from the address bar at the top of the page.


    2. Go to the Moodle activity 

  • Navigate to the Moodle activity or resource where the video will be linked. In the text editor, type in the text that you want the link to read out as.

  • Highlight the text and click the Link button on the toolbar (Chain icon).

    3. Creating the Link

In the Create Link window:

  • Paste the video URL into the Enter a URL text-box.

  • Tick the Open a New Window box.

  • Click Create Link when finished.

Creative Commons License

This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.