All Moodle course sites on ( are now automatically created and your courses will be available after the first day of registration.
Request a Development site
If you want to start working on your course site ahead of time, contact the IT Service Desk or use the TDX-Client Service Portal and submit a ticket requesting a development site to begin building your Moodle course. You can transfer your course over to your main course site ( once it is ready by backing it up, then restoring it onto your main course site. Likewise, you can backup a live course at the end of a semester(or any time during a semester) and restore it onto a development site for safekeeping, or to continue working on it.
To request a Development site, please contact the IT Service Desk or use the TDX-Client Service Portal.
Below are the links to the instructions on how to create a backup of a course and restore it:
This work by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (KPU) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.