This guide will show you how to change which type your forum is.
1. From your Forum, click the Settings button from the red navigation menu.
2. Under General, select the Forum type from the drop-down menu.
3. Once your forum type is selected, click Save and display.
Forum Types
Single Simple discussion: A single topic discussion developed on one page, which is useful for short focused discussions (cannot be used with separate groups).
Each person posts one discussion: Each person can post exactly one new discussion topic and everyone can reply to them. Each student can start a discussion and everyone else responds to these .
Q and A forum: An instructor posts one topic. Students must post their response before viewing other responses.
Standard forum for general use: Allow multiple topics arranged in a threaded conversation. Students may start new topics in this format.
Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format: An open forum where anyone can start a conversation at any time.
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